The calm water metaphor is always related to Lewin’s three step change process – unfreeze, change and refreeze. The calm water metaphor views changes as a response to some occasional disruption in an otherwise calm and stable world. But the 3-step change process is not appropriate for the white-water rapids metaphor because the changes are continual and chaotic. It is not just a simple 3-step process, instead it requires flexible, adaptable change management techniques and organization should react and anticipate with the change.
Organizational change defined as any alteration of people, structure or technology in an organization. The best way to manage the continual and constant change is by being alert to what is happening both inside and outside the organization. We will never be able to eliminate change so the best solution is learning how to deal with it.
But organization always faces difficulties while making changes in an organization because employees will not tolerate with the changes. They don’t like it. Employees fight change because they are comfortable with the status quo. They are familiar with the way things are now (the way they do their work now) and they uncertain about what the change will do to them. They might even realize that change is needed but still fight it because they don’t like the uncertainties associated with changing.
We know that organizational culture is made up of relatively stable and permanent values, myths, symbols, practises, beliefs and rituals. There are 3 reasons organization needs to change the culture, that is:
(1) The was no longer appropriate and weak
(2) Dramatic crisis – for example unplanned drop in revenues or a major customer decided to go with another supplier
(3) Change in organization’s top leadership – normally goes hand-in-hand with dramatic crisis.
Stress will happened when the members of an organization is not agreed with the change. But not all stress are bad, there are times when stress is positive and good. Stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from extraordinary demands, constraints or opportunities. Stress is good when it stimulates a person on to high levels of effort and performance. Stress can be bad when it involves uncontrollable constraints and demands, and we normally get easily distracted.
Success in business today demands innovation. For most organization, with today’s rapidly changing and complex environment, innovation is important. There may be some organization that doesn’t need to be innovating, but the number is decreasing. Innovation is going to continue to be a key competency for successful organizations.
For an organization to be creative and innovative, first thing to have is having an innovative and creative members / employees. Creativity is the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas. Innovation is taking creative ideas and turning them into useful product or work methods. But how do you get people to be creative and innovative? There are 3 sets of variables that are absolutely required. They are:
(1) Structure – creative and innovative organization must have flexible, open, adaptable structure where flow of ideas and resources is much easier because few structural mechanisms that acts as a barrier to creativity and innovative process.
(2) Culture – the culture needs to encourage risk taking, focus on goals and emphasize the realities of the organization as an open system.
(3) Human resources practises – organizations must promote the training and development of employees so that their knowledge is “cutting edge”. Organizations also need to give support, embrace, celebrate and reward the idea champions.
All three of these variables contribute to an organization’s ability to be creative and innovative.
9 years ago
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